Every U.S. Congressperson earns $165.200 a year. Each Senator is paid $168.500 per year. (Their leaders earn even more.) These politicians, also, gave themselves a 10% raise for the past 9-years. Unless there is a national emergency or crises, members of the House work, on average, 3 days a week. The other days are used for raising reelection contributions and enjoying special interest perks. Speaker Pelosi promised that the new congress would work five-day weeks under her leadership. That promise lasted as long as the popularity of the lava lamp. On average, Senators work, maybe, 4 days a week. Do you wonder why nothing gets done in Washington? Let’s recap: $165.200 for 3-days of work a week and $168.500 for 4-days a week works out to: 52 divided by 3, carry the 7, multiplied by 9 comes to…..TAXPAYERS BEING RIPPED OFF!
Obviously these politicians are grossly overpaid underachievers for the amount of time they spend at their jobs. The only solution is to stop paying them their salaries and make them work for minimum wage. That would, at least, force them put in full days - 7 days a week. Oh, they’d scream and kvetch that it’d be unfair and ridiculous to expect them work for that little money…that they couldn’t support their families. Tell that to the tens of millions of Americans who have to do it every day, Bucko. If Congress was forced to work for $7.00 an hour you’d see how fast it’d pass meaningful Minimum Wage legislation which they’ve refused to do for years. If members of Congress and Senators don’t start earning their salaries and doing the People’s business – we can take a page from corporate America and outsource their jobs to Mexico, China and India. Nothing would still get done but at least we’d save lots of loot.
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