Unlike most Old Geezers you know, I, am, one that likes to look ahead at things and trends. That’s why I’ve kept my collection of Chia Pets in pristine shape. I keep them well watered and getting plenty of sun. Should you ever need a valuable Chia Pet I’m the guy to call.
It occurred to me that 2008 will soon be upon us. It’s never too soon to be prepared. Among other things that will happen in 2008 is that George W. Bush’s presidency will be over. Come to think of it, nothing else matters. Oh, sure, Donald Trump will still be calling Rosie O’Donnell a fat dike; guys will still be claiming to be father of Anna Nicole Smith’s daughter. Zsa Gabor’s fake German Prince husband will still insist that he fathered the little girl. He’d call Zsa as a character witness but the 90-year old Gabor is senile and spends her time punching a blow-up rubber cop during her drooling hours. The ‘Prince” swears that he was awarded his “Prince” title in a fortune cookie.
My major concern about 2008 is that Bush will retire to his ranch in Crawford, Texas and the taxpayers will be stuck with a million dollar tab each year for secret service his protection. Why? Since he’s not aware of most things that went on during his presidency what are we protecting? If a terrorist tried to kidnap him they’d never get a coherent statement out of him just as Americans didn’t for 8-years. Certainly not in English, anyway. His proposed presidential library will contain his collection of “Hunters & Fags” and “How to Sneer Your Way into Politics.”
Therefore, I wonder why we have to spend a fortune to protect this ex-president who is a useless retard? Why not spend the money on something worthwhile, like erasing his name and his administrations fuck ups from history books? George W. Bush has done as much for this country as Pauly Shore has done for classical acting.
It occurred to me that 2008 will soon be upon us. It’s never too soon to be prepared. Among other things that will happen in 2008 is that George W. Bush’s presidency will be over. Come to think of it, nothing else matters. Oh, sure, Donald Trump will still be calling Rosie O’Donnell a fat dike; guys will still be claiming to be father of Anna Nicole Smith’s daughter. Zsa Gabor’s fake German Prince husband will still insist that he fathered the little girl. He’d call Zsa as a character witness but the 90-year old Gabor is senile and spends her time punching a blow-up rubber cop during her drooling hours. The ‘Prince” swears that he was awarded his “Prince” title in a fortune cookie.
My major concern about 2008 is that Bush will retire to his ranch in Crawford, Texas and the taxpayers will be stuck with a million dollar tab each year for secret service his protection. Why? Since he’s not aware of most things that went on during his presidency what are we protecting? If a terrorist tried to kidnap him they’d never get a coherent statement out of him just as Americans didn’t for 8-years. Certainly not in English, anyway. His proposed presidential library will contain his collection of “Hunters & Fags” and “How to Sneer Your Way into Politics.”
Therefore, I wonder why we have to spend a fortune to protect this ex-president who is a useless retard? Why not spend the money on something worthwhile, like erasing his name and his administrations fuck ups from history books? George W. Bush has done as much for this country as Pauly Shore has done for classical acting.
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