Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows I am an equal opportunity Geezer. I try to give every nogoodnick a shot at my rants. If you act like a yutz or do something really stupid you will probably find yourself in my cross-hairs. However, in all fairness I have to cop to finding southerners, rednecks and bubbas easy targets. They give a new meaning to dull-witted!

I can make that claim without any fear of contradiction. No, I’m not talking about the ex…although feeble-minded comes to mind when I think about her good qualities. I once saw her having a heated argument with a shovel and the shovel prevailed. “Nough said? To prove my thesis that southerners are lower forms of life I point you to a ‘brilliant’ lawmaker in Texas. For those nitpickers who claim that Texas isn’t really as Southern state – how to you explain them electing George W. Bush governor twice? Only folks in the South would make such a colossal booboo.

What did this Texas law maker do that would warrant the Old Geezer’s fury? The imbecile is actually trying to pass a law that would allow blind people to hunt game that sighted folks can currently pursue. Deep breath, friends. “This opens up the fun of hunting to additional people,” he said. His bill may find little resistance in Texas, where politicians of all stripe endorse hunting, which is wildly popular in the state. The only fun thing that comes even close to that is eating road kill.

Let’s recap: a supposed intelligent politico thinks it’s perfectly all right for blind people to shoot guns. This idiotic idea is almost as bad as Louisiana’s law that allows citizens to carry guns into banks. If I’m lyin’ I’m dyin’. I don’t even think that Charlton Heston and his rug would approve of this. Hell, some blind hunter might do something as ridiculous as turning and shooting a fellow hunter in the face. See: Dick Cheney! If the bill becomes law imagine what might happen if a sightless gunslinger hears a backfire and mistakes it for a moose call. “Durnit there goes another Dodge Ram.” I hate to even think about what disaster might happen if someone close to the handicapped forgot his beano and had an episode of passing gas.

Let’s hear it for State Representative Edmund “Ed” Kuempel and his attempt to get in the Guinness Book for being the dumbest man alive.