Sunday, May 25, 2008


After 8-years of George W. Bush, our countries reputation and standing in the world is lower than a hunchback dwarf. There is only one thing for us to do to salvage what is left of our legacy. We must immediately invade Myanmar. The thugs and hooligans that have ruled that poor country for years – have pissed everyone off in the world with their insensitivity to the plight of its citizens after the devastating typhoon that killed about 100,000 men, women and children. The junta leaders have refused to allow aide, that the world is willing to send in, to relieve the suffering of its people. Typically, the United Nations have acted like eunuchs and instead of threatening to overthrow these gangsters the Security Council has turned its other cheek – something they’re very good at. United Nations’ pronouncements are about as scary as a Quaker hit man.

If President Bush wants to erase the lousy taste he has left in the mouths of Americans with his screw-ups – none bigger than invading Iraq - he should send our military into Myanmar and conquer the Island. Why not? Their military is no match to ours and he can claim that we would be received as friends and liberators. Hey, he still thinks that’s what happened in Iraq. If world opinion turns against us for taking over Myanmar – fuck ‘em. Why invade or declare war on Iran who just might put up a stiff defense against us or shut off their oil spigots – Myanmar’s major industry is poverty and coconuts…we should be able to handle them. Isn’t it time the U.S. did something worthy and good for mankind? I’m sick of reading about and watching horrific pictures of the suffering there. Its time we acted like John Wayne, pilgrims.