Unless you are a member of the National Basketball Association, the National Football League or Major League Baseball you are expected to obey laws. With the exceptions of those who fall in the above categories most men and women do. They try not to be law breakers…especially if they stand a good chance of being caught. Who wants to go through the possibility of answering embarrassing questions from Rita Crosby or Wolf Blitzer?
This question of laws and obeying them got The Ranting OG thinking….usually a dangerous enterprise. It’s a given that people all over the world do try to obey the laws on the books even though, for the most part, they had no say it their adoption. Doesn’t that seem a tad unreasonable? We are asked to abide by many out-of-date laws passed by others which might be unreasonable in today’s world. Shouldn’t all laws have to be reviewed every decade or so to see if they still have merit? We could vote to keeping them on the books or scrap them. All of us could turn into Roger Ebert and give the statutes a finger – up or down. I love to give things the finger…especially ex-wives.
As another public service from your humble and most obedient servant I researched some of the silliest laws still on the books from countries around the world. These really are ordinances that people are supposed to obey. None of this is made up. Ready?
Chester, England: You can only shoot a Welsh person with a bow and arrow inside the city walls and after midnight.
Scotland: It is illegal to be a drunk in possession of a cow.
Switzerland: a man may not relieve himself while standing up, after 10pm.
British Columbia, Canada: It is illegal to kill a Sasquatch.
Alberta, Canada: If you are released from prison, it is required that you are given a
handgun with bullets and a horse, so you can ride out of town.
Chico, California: Detonating a nuclear device within city limits results in a $500 fine.
Sterling, Colorado: Cats may not run loose without having been fitted with a tail light.
Iowa: One armed piano players must perform for free.
Florida: You may not kiss your wife’s breasts.
Tampa Bay, Florida: It is illegal to eat cottage cheese on Sunday after 6pm.
Kansas: If two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has
Wichita, Kansas: Before proceeding through the intersection of Douglas and Broadway, a
motorist is required to get out of their vehicle and fire three shot gun rounds into the air.
New Orleans: It is illegal for a woman to drive a car unless her husband is waving a flag
in front of it.
Massachusetts: At a wake, mourners may eat no more than three sandwiches.
Massachusetts: Taxi drivers are prohibited from making love in the front seat of their
taxis during their shifts.
Isn’t it time to get these ridiculous laws off the books and out to pasture? While we’re putting things out to pasture why not include Joan Rivers and her yenta daughter?
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