Monday, October 09, 2006


The Geezer is very impressed. That’s a rare occasion in Geezerland. Haven’t been since I met the guy from Youngstown who has spent his life teaching Latin to cats. There’s a story out of Alameda, California that makes my nipples hard. The last time that happened was when Cher announced her latest retirement.

It seems there is a new candidate running for mayor in that city who has caused some controversy when he threw his hat into the ring. Actually what he threw was a fright wig! Kenneth Kahn who is known professionally as “Kenny the Clown” admits he’s running a long-shot campaign for the City Hall’s top spot. I would think that being the mayor in Alameda is as important as a photographer for Reader’s Digest.

Kahn has not previously run for an elected position before. That in itself should sweep him into office. “People ask me, ‘Do we really want to elect a clown?” Duh! Have the complaining voters in Alameda taken a look at the Governor of California or the people elected to Congress and the White House? I thought it was a prerequisite to be elected. The idiots holding office now belong with Barnum & Bally.

Kahn’s mother said her son doesn’t have a chance, and Sylvia Kahn, a teacher, said her brother’s candidacy is a “mockery of our system.” Does she mean the same system that has brought us nothing but corruption, bad choices which hurt the average citizen and congressman who resign after hitting on teenage pages? That sacred system? With a family like his is it any wonder that Ken Kahn walks around with a fright wig, outlandish costumes and large floppy feet?

George W. Bush has proven that clowns can be elected. Let’s all urge this Alameda funnyman to stick to his guns, pull the trigger and wait for the flag to come out that says “bang.” I’d rather have a registered buffoon in office than the unregistered clowns trying to be re-elected.

I may move to Alameda, Cal. and bring some pig bladders with me. Go for it, Kenny, baby!