Monday, September 11, 2006


Do you believe in coincidences? Seemingly illogical events that happen against all odds? There have been many occurrences historically that defy logic and calculations. Very few people know that Sampson, of biblical fame, always dreamed of becoming a jockey and when Delilah cut off his hair he was sitting on a hobby horse. What are the odds of that happening?

These strange events brought about the belief in the occult, ESP, extra terrestrial visitors and that hamburgers cause high cholesterol. Scholars reading the Dead Sea Scrolls have recently discovered that when Moses was supposed to have found led the Jewish people out of Egypt he was actually being fitted at Adelman’s Tallis Shop in Perth Amboy. That when Conrad Hilton, the founder of the hotel chain named after him, foolishly and unexpectedly married Zsa Gabor twice he knew that something horrible, repugnant and embarrassing would occur to his family – and Paris Hilton was born.

The latest strange and mysterious coincidence happened in Westlake, Ohio. A bar waitress checking to see if a woman was legally old enough to drink was handed her own stolen driver’s license, which she had reported missing weeks earlier. To further cloud this incomprehensible story the woman she was ‘carding’ happened to be 85-years old. What unexplainable force drove the waitress to ask this senior citizen for her driver’s license? Eh? “The odds of this waitress recovering her own license defy calculations,” said the police chief.

The 22-year-old waitress called police last week and said she had been handed her own stolen license by a woman trying to prove that she was 21. Even though the woman’s great grand daughter swore that Grandma was old enough for her boilermaker the waitress had a premonition that something wasn’t kosher. The young woman said she had lost her wallet at Moskowitz’s Fiber Glass Company.
When the suspect was arrested at her Senior Citizen’s Home, police found she also had a stolen credit card in the name of Charlton Heston.

These strange occurrences have caused the Geezer to rethink his skepticism about unusual and unexplained incidences. Could it be that there is some ‘force’ that is playing with our sanity? Trying to make us believe in the unbievable? This is a case for Dr. Phil.