Monday, April 24, 2006


The Geezer dedicates this to people who abuse their authority and power convinced that they, and only they, know best.

“I am not wrong! I am never wrong! I can’t be wrong! When I make a decision is has to be right and not questioned. I am a leader therefore nothing I say
can be disputed. I don’t care what experts or able and erudite people say and what proof emerges to contradict me or my opinions, they are wrong and I am right. That’s what having power is all about.

It doesn’t matter what information, wisdom and truth illustrates my stupidity and stubbornness I must never, ever admit that I made a mistake. And I must never be embarrassed when people no longer believe me. When someone disagrees with me I must destroy them: Claim that they are part of a vast conspiracy formed by my enemies, that they are disloyal and un-American.

I know I must be right because all my “yes” men and sycophants tell me so. If I can’t believe them who can I believe? Critics claim that I live in a bubble and am out of touch. To those ignorant dunderheads I declare, “Nanananana!” It’s vital I stick to my guns even though my position is hopeless. Only a weak loser would acknowledge a blunder or failure. What’s the point of being in charge is you have to concede being human and having frailties? If mistakes are made its other people’s fault not mine. I’m always right, I always am – my mother told me so.

To those doubters and malcontents I can honestly say, “apish-posh.” Are you going to believe your eyes and common sense or are you going trust me? Forget truth and fairness the only thing that matters is my macho shallowness, ignorance…and what my paid advisors tell me I want to hear. They wouldn’t lie.”