Wednesday, June 07, 2006


One of the most embarrassing things for any person or product to be called is “a joke.” To be an object of derision and ridicule is not something to be sought after unless you’re running for political office. In that case it goes with the territory.

There have been many categories of so-called “jokes.” It can be animal, vegetable or mineral…or like Sam Donaldson’s hair – an unknown. Michael Dukakis and Dan Quayle were jokes. Urkle – remember him? He was that idiotic black TV teen who spoke like he had someone’s tongue in his ear at all times. Doogie Howser was a “joke” television series that fortunately was cancelled before too many viewers could gag it down. Tiny Tim was a “joke” as is Richard Simmons in his tutu. Nehru jackets and Chia pets fall under that category, also.

For years Barry Manilow has been the poster boy as an entertainment industry joke. Something about him makes people laugh even though he really is a terrific entertainer. Perhaps it’s his look…the silly blonde hair, sparkly suits and his fawning behavior? Some have even suggested that he might be light in his loafers. I think that’s a bad rap and caused only when he’s standing side by side with his pal Bette Midler. Hell, next to the “Divine Ms. M” the same could be said about most NFL linemen.

Manilow has had many gold and platinum records. His songs sell by the millions and the money he makes as a composer would even impress an Arab Sheik. He has his own show in Vegas which is sold out and his tours always are cash cows. In spite of all that the success, Barry is still thought of as a musical performing abnormality. Many men and women roll their eyes and begin to twitch uncontrollably at the mere mention of Mrs. Manilow’s son.

Sydney, Australia has been plagued with the noise of souped-up cars with loud engines and pulsing music. The city has decided to allow Barry Manilow to solve this problem as if he rode into town on his loyal steed. They are going to pipe Barry’s music over loudspeakers in an attempt to rid streets and car parks of hooligans whose anti-social cars and loud music annoy residents and drive customers from businesses. City authorities believe that Manilow’s music is so uncool that it will make these “hoons” or hooligans flee faster than a division of Italian soldiers during WW-2.

“Daggy music is one way to make these undesirables stay away from populated areas because they’ll get sick to their stomach’s hearing Barry sing, ‘Copacabana’,” said one official. The Oxford Australian Dictionary defines “daggy” as unfashionable, or lacking style, even eccentric or stupid.

So there you are. One person’s joke is another person’s hero. Barry Manilow is a latter day Superman, Batman and Bat Masterson rolled into a sequined jump suit. He may look strange and sing funny to many but to Sydney, Australia he’s the cat’s meow which is about as hip as Barry’s songs.