Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Let’s talk about Alex Rodriguez. “A-Rod” is a great baseball player who makes millions and millions of dollars. He’s young, good-looking and a major celebrity. New Yorkers love this Yankee even thought they boo him at times. New York fans boo all their favorites. It must be the water.

A-Rod has been making lots of headlines – not because of his performance on the diamond – but because of an ugly divorce that he’s involved in. Obviously, young athletes have oodles of young, sexy, groupies throwing themselves at their spikes and I’m sure Alex has had his share of nymphets but what has the Old Geezer shaking his head is that his latest fling is with a late 50’s broad who is an unrepentant publicity hound and poster girl for birth control.

Why has he gotten himself involved with Madonna, whose claim to fame is a fake English accent and having a fibrous uterus? For crying out loud, she’s old and used up and talent-less. Madonna has proven that she will do anything for cheap publicity. Remember her wearing those pointy iron bras? Her sticking her tongue down any woman’s throat that can be caught on camera? I’m not sure she could ever sing. Her most famous attribute, to me, is the space between her front teeth. A homeless family of twelve could live there comfortably.

I’m very disappointed in Alex Rodriguez. Instead of him fooling around with Playboy Bunnies or Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders he decided to use his vital juices on a shrunken bad, elderly singer. Even I wouldn’t waste my bodily fluids on Madonna. It’d be like fucking Bess Truman!